Saturday, June 20, 2015

06-20-2015: MAJOR updates and...weight loss?

So, it's been almost a week...

Just-Kimchii speaking! So...time flies by so fast! It has been a week since my last update...well, I do have some things I have to report for today ;) so what have I been doing this whole week?

So the website went through a pretty big "makeover." I had to delete some posts and make them into pages instead. I think it'll be easier in the long run (not to mention that I feel like a total idiot for not noticing the "pages" feature from the beginning Dx). Luckily, I've fixed about 95% of the site, I might have missed a few details/posts that need proper hyperlinking, but I'll find them as I go along ;)

Project Black Coffee
I have a couple of updates for the game. First and foremost, I am almost finished cover 2 for the game. Here's the completed image :)

I still need to add the logo and it'll be complete, but that is my lowest priority as of now. You can view more artworks I've done for this project under the "artworks" page, which I created today. 

As for the game has been a little slow because of work and other responsibilities (plus I spent more time on cover 2 than I should've). However, I have been working on the sprites...and I do admit it's a ton of work...especially since I'm doing these from scratch, from the sketch to the finished product. Let me give you a glimpse of what I mean....

This is a folder which contains one of Makoto's sprites. He has four different outfits and eight different, it does take some time to do all this. Mind you, this is only ONE sprite. I've got two more for him and two for Sosuke. This is pretty exciting stuff x) but it does take a while to do all this... it's totally worth it  though x)

I'll be working on Sosuke's sprites for a change of atmosphere (sorry mako-chan!). Be looking foward to more updates! I've been investing a lot of time into the art and so far I'm liking it!

Real Life
I've been working a's pretty exhausting no matter what you're doing. I've also been having a lot of issues trying to lose weight. I is the place where you can easily gain weight and have a hard time keeping it off...ugh. I've been trying to take control of my life in the "weight loss" department, but it's been so frustrating thus far...I'm not the type that hates exercise, but now that I need it more than ever my body is like "Nope, too tired for this. Fuck you exercise!" But this only means I have to find a better solution to motivate myself to lose weight....

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